HomeBlocksFront-TopFlintridge Prep Bids Farewell to Graduates

Flintridge Prep Bids Farewell to Graduates

Photos by
Larissa Althouse
Outlook Valley Sun


The Class of 2024 entered the Ambassador Auditorium to the traditional sounds of “Pomp and Circumstance” at the Flintridge Prep commencement ceremony on May 31.
After the national anthem, Head of School Vanessa Walker-Oakes provided opening remarks and the Flintridge Prep Board of Trustees Chair Rob Tolleson welcomed families. Class speaker Daniel Zhao addressed the audience and was followed by student awards and honors were distributed by Prep administration and faculty. Speeches were given by Benton Memorial Award recipient Katharina Zirn and Founder’s Trophy recipient William Bigby before Walker-Oakes presented the graduates with their diplomas and bid them a fond farewell as they continue on their journey.

First published in the June 6 print issue of the Outlook Valley Sun.


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