Letters and Opinion

There Are Many Chances to Support the LCFTRA 

The La Cañada Flintridge Tournament of Roses Association (LCFTRA) keeps on rolling and raising the bar. With changes ever ongoing in an expanding program...

Displeased With Lack of Measure LCF Transparency

Mayor Michael Davitt wrote a letter to the editor claiming that Measure LCF funds are not being used to balance next year’s budget. Yet, how...

A Pride Month Proclamation

At the City Council meeting on June 4, the following proclamation was read by citizens in our community who spent months meeting with councilmembers...

City Budget Strong Without Measure LCF

The June 6, 2024 edition of the Outlook Valley Sun featured an article on the city of La Cañada Flintridge’s newly-adopted budget for fiscal...

Measure LCF Promises Unfulfilled

The sales pitch made to voters to get us to approve Measure LCF was that residents would get more sheriff patrols, faster 911 response...