Monthly Archives: April, 2022

Spartans Place 2nd In Rio Hondo League

First published in the April 21 print issue of the Outlook Valley Sun. The La Cañada High School varsity boys’ tennis team clinched second place...

It’s Date Night Again in America

First published in the April 21 print issue of the Outlook Valley Sun. At a restaurant the other night, I was telling everyone that my...

Questioning Candidate’s Request for Fee Waiver

First published in the April 21 print issue of the Outlook Valley Sun. Along with the La Cañada Welcome Association, Kim Bowman, a current Parks...

Tupper Awards Recognize Community Service

First published in the April 21 print issue of the Outlook Valley Sun. The annual Les Tupper Award recipients will be honored by the La...

LCF Preps Voters for June Primary

First published in the April 21 print issue of the Outlook Valley Sun. The June 7 primary election is right around the corner and La...

City Officials Explore Leaf Blower Ban

First published in the April 21 print issue of the Outlook Valley Sun. La Cañada Flintridge continues to move forward with its climate action plan...
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