HomeLettersCity Council Should Promote Acceptance of All

City Council Should Promote Acceptance of All

In the past decade, we have lived in an age of “unprecedented times.” While for others this may incite fear and confusion, I see it as an opportunity. An opportunity, and a choice to set precedent. Whether that is a precedent of stagnation and inaction, or courage and conviction, now lies in the hands of our City Council. Our City Council has consistently chosen to act in regression and fear in the past, and by canceling their meeting on Tuesday, May 21st, they have continued their legacy of negligence. In canceling this meeting, they have shown that they refuse to hear the concerns of the LC Pride group that has pushed for the flying of the Pride flag in June.
As an LGBTQ resident of LCF myself, this proclamation would be more meaningful than they know. I have always felt that those around me simply do not want to have the lives of LGBTQ people in their view, and so they encourage docility and invisibility. This careless inaction confirms that the leaders of our city want LGBTQ people to stay silent and hidden. It confirms that they must conceal their true identity in order to feel at home. Ignoring the concerns of the people and neglecting their outlined duties until time runs out is not what they were elected to do.
I urge the City Council to set a precedent of courage. Set this precedent for those who feel they are outsiders in LCF. Set a precedent of love and life in our city, so that we may forge a path of acceptance and tenacity.

Kylie Sears
La Cañada Flintridge

First published in the May 30 print issue of the Outlook Valley Sun.


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