Monthly Archives: April, 2022

School District Offers Plan to Expand Field Use

First published in the April 21 print issue of the Outlook Valley Sun. Ahead of the Joint Use Committee meeting, the La Cañada Unified School...

Living in a Tree City

First published in the April 21 print issue of the Outlook Valley Sun. I am a resident of the Palm Crest neighborhood and I live...

Lutheran Church Launches New Outreach Effort

First published in the April 21 print issue of the Outlook Valley Sun. Lutheran Church in the Foothills is working to help victims of domestic...

Presbyterian Church to Worship, Picnic in the Park

First published in the April 21 print issue of the Outlook Valley Sun. La Cañada Presbyterian Church will be taking church outside this Sunday, offering...

Methodist Church to Plant Flowers for Earth Day

First published in the April 21 print issue of the Outlook Valley Sun. The La Cañada United Methodist Church will welcome families from its Children’s...

57th Showcase House Reimagines Oaklawn Manor

First published in the April 21 print issue of the Outlook Valley Sun. The long-awaited Pasadena Showcase House of Design makes its debut on April...
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